Run-DMC’s Darryl McDaniels: How hip-hop and comic books are the same game, different hustle

The comic book and fantasy space may seem very different from hip-hop culture, but according to Run DMC’s Daryl McDaniels, the two are very similar. In this episode, we speak with both Daryl and Hilton George, the founder of Blerdcon. While Daryl explores the similarities between the two mediums, Hilton walks us through the challenges surrounding inclusivity in the comics culture.  Guests:  Darryl DMC McDaniels Hilton George Credits:  Dempsey Pillot, field and studio producer Jill Webb, producer Anddy Egan-Thorpe, audio engineer Femi Redwood, host and executive producer

The comic book and fantasy space may seem very different from hip-hop culture, but according to Run DMC’s Daryl McDaniels, the two are very similar. In this episode, we speak with both Daryl and Hilton George, the founder of Blerdcon. While Daryl explores the similarities between the two mediums, Hilton walks us through the challenges surrounding inclusivity in the comics culture. 


Darryl DMC McDaniels

Hilton George


Dempsey Pillot, field and studio producer

Jill Webb, producer

Anddy Egan-Thorpe, audio engineer

Femi Redwood, host and executive producer

Run-DMC’s Darryl McDaniels: How hip-hop and comic books are the same game, different hustle

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