When Neighbors fought Neighbors: The Crown Heights Riot

“Love Thy Neighbor” is a brand new podcast detailing the events of the 1991 Crown Heights Riot. For those unfamiliar with the historical event, it erupted after a Hasidic man hit two young Black boys with his car. After one of the boys succumbed to his injuries, the divide that already existed in the community deepened and neighbors transformed into foes. On the latest episode of Beyond Black History Month, not only do we dive into some of the issues that preceded the riot, host Femi Redwood speaks to "Love Thy Neighbor" host Collier Meyerson.

“Love Thy Neighbor” is a brand new podcast detailing the events of the 1991 Crown Heights Riot.

For those unfamiliar with the historical event, it erupted after a Hasidic man hit two young Black boys with his car. After one of the boys succumbed to his injuries, the divide that already existed in the community deepened and neighbors transformed into foes.

On the latest episode of Beyond Black History Month, not only do we dive into some of the issues that preceded the riot, host Femi Redwood speaks to "Love Thy Neighbor" host Collier Meyerson.

When Neighbors fought Neighbors: The Crown Heights Riot

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